03 October 2014


Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow and is rolling in with a literal thunderstorm. I'm all about the cosmic spookiness though, it's a perfect complement to the pumpkin spice season.

Photos by Kelly Kai

Mercury's orbit is basically slowing down and it appears to be traveling backwards.  Mercury is the ruling planet of travel and communication so during this time, your life may go a little haywire as the alignment of Mercury so close to the Sun causes a lot of things to get lost in translation. If you're not too familiar with what Mercury Retrograde is, Gala Darling does an excellent job of explaining how to survive during this crazy time. Mercury Retrograde is infamous for messing up people's lives and turning everyone batshit crazy. I however, am incredibly stubborn and and refuse to relinquish control of my life. My method of survival entails rolling with whatever punches the cosmos throw me and triple, quadruple checking EVERYTHING. I back up all my data and put all my emails, text messages, plans, and purchases under a magnifying glass. No detail goes unnoticed! It's a little more effort than I usually exert, but better safe than sorry right? 

Retrograde periods are also an amazing opportunity to take what I like to call a 'digital siesta' and do things that don't require the internet or electronics. I'm literally about to go pick up a guitar in an hour so I can work on an upcoming music project this month. I like to view the retrograde period as a time to look inwards and reevaluate how the inner self can match up more seamlessly with the outer self.  Try taking yourself out on a date and get to know yourself a little better. You deserve it! 

When it comes to decompressing and reflection, I like to go down by the water in Greenpoint. It's one of my favorite intersections of nature and urban sprawl. I'm wearing a maxi dress by one of my favorite California brands, Show Me Your Mumu. I'm not usually a dress wearing type of gal, but this one blows in the wind and makes me feel the same way I imagine trees feel like when their leaves are rustling in the wind. After having more than three tree branches casually caress my face on the street in the past week, I think it's time for some quality time with mother nature. 

If y'all have any other good tips to getting through Mercury Retrograde, please send them my way and send me an email at contact@lolitabandita.co!