01 September 2014

angel stone

I've always been extremely attracted to spaces with high vantage points. Think rooftops, fire escapes, and bridges. Luckily for me, there's no shortage of good rooftops in Bushwick. Maybe there is more angelic energy swirling around in high spaces but theres something extremely cathartic about collecting my thoughts from a elevated point of view.

MINKPINK skirt, Show Me Your Mumu crop top, Vintage ankle boots (similar here), ZEROUV sunnies

The crystal pendant on my necklace is celestite, also known as the Angel Stone. Celestite is an excellent meditation tool It aids in blocking out distracting "noise" and helps the wearer focus on specific planes of thought, something I can really appreciate. September is always a productive month for me because it's the final "SUMMER IS OVER" kicker. Tonight is an especially wonderful time to write down any goals, aspirations, or dreams you want to see manifest this month because the moon is in it's waxing crescent phase. Waxing means is that the moon is approaching the full moon and is opposite of waning, which means departing the full moon. I've found that the secret to reaching your goals as fast as possible is to post your goals somewhere visible in your private space. As you accomplish things on your list don't simply cross them out, rewrite the entire list on a fresh sheet of paper omitting what you've just crossed out. I personally don't keep lists with a bunch of things crossed out on it because it clutters my mind and is distracting. Crossing things out on a list is satisfying but keeping a clean list of goals and things I need to accomplish is far more important to me. 

I hope these tips help you draw in the things you need in your life. Happy manifesting! 

Photos by Kelly Kai